**Latest Update**

Friday, 27 March  March 2020 14:40

We as ICBA took the decision during the previous week to close our offices and work remotely and will continue to do so until the measures to combat the spread of the virus has been successful. We are committed to the Government’s regulations and will adhere to all interim measures put in place by government.

Please stay safe during this period and please subject yourself to the preventative measures put in place to combat the spread of the COVID-19 virus.



​​Tuesday, 17 March 2020 13:30

In line with the Government measures put in place to manage the transmission of COVID-19, we have conducted a risk assessment and have initiated steps to ensure that we remain semi-operational, without compromising the health of our staff, students, customers, and suppliers.

We have decided on the following actions:

Site Closure:

As a preventative action we will close all our physical sites as of Wednesday, 18 March until Friday, 17 April 2020. This in effect means that we will not allow any staff or visitors to enter any of our premises until further notice.

Online Support:

Many of our staff will be working remotely, and will be available online.   Should you wish to contact us, please log a ticket via our Contact Us page on our website.  Our phone lines will be down for the duration of the closure. Please bear with us as our turn-around times may be a bit slower, but we will be making every effort to attend to all queries.

We would like to reassure all our students, providers and business partners that we are committed to providing you with support and assistance during this period and will put measures in place to catch-up on time lost.


Monday, 16 March 2020 11:00

We acknowledge the immediate and potential impact of COVID-19 on our employees, members, providers and South Africa as a whole.

We have established a working committee to initiate and action measures to minimise the impact it may have on our employees, members and providers.

Please bear with us, while we determine the best course of action. Once this has been done, we will update this article with the relevant actions.


Specific Corona Related Queries:

We encourage all members to make use of the Official Government COVID-19 Support Service: Whatsapp “hi” to +27600123456 which will provide you with a menu to choose from to get the correct answers. Alternatively you can access the official Government COVID-10 Resource Portal at this link.

You can also make use of the SA hotline – 08000 29999, should you present with symptoms of the Corona Virus.

Accounting and Finance Show | 2020

Jail Time for Lying on your CV

The South African job market is tough, so much so, that a high number of people have resorted to lying about their qualification just to secure a good job or promotion, however, lying on your CV could soon lend you in some really hot water.

Staying out of prison used to be really easy. Don’t partake in criminal activities, don’t drive drunk, don’t smoke pot in public. Now you could get sentenced to up to 5 years in jail for misrepresenting your qualifications on your CV.

The National Council of Provinces recently passed the National Qualifications Framework Amendment Bill and it may soon be passed as a law. This will mean if you get caught lying about your qualifications on your CV, you could score yourself a criminal record.

The purpose of this article is to help you stay out of trouble so here are some tips to make sure your CV is not a crime.

Don’t overstate your qualification

Do not say you have a BCom when you have a Diploma, or say you have a PhD when you have an Honours. Many people may feel tempted to embellish the level of their qualification to enhance their chances of landing a dream job. Misrepresenting your qualification will not only cost you a great job opportunity but may soon land you behind bars.

Incomplete is NOT Complete

Many people for many different reasons could not complete their studies. Some are only a few credits short of getting their qualification. If you are going to add a qualification you have not yet completed, then please put the word incomplete next to it as to not give the wrong impression to your potential employer. This one, by the way, is one of the most common lies people tell on their CVs.


By a lie, a man… annihilates his dignity as a man.

Immanuel Kant


Don’t buy it

There is very little you cannot buy online these days. Shopping for a fake qualification has become incredibly easy of late. As you seek to enhance your career and step into more senior roles that require certain credentials, resist the temptation to purchase a “qualification” online. Please register with an accredited institution and get your qualification the right way. Check with SAQA (South African Qualifications Authority) if you are not sure whether or not the institution you want to register with is accredited.

Stay truthful

Most job seekers are aware of the phrase ‘skills matching’. When people write their CVs they try their hardest to mimic everything on the job spec of the role they are applying for. There is an authentic way of doing this without exaggerating your skills or claiming you have skills you actually do not have. That is why it is always best to leave this to the professionals, skilled CV writers can enhance your profile and properly articulate your abilities in such a way that you do not need to lie to pad your CV. There is no need to put false qualifications on your CV and potentially land in jail, it will be very hard to land a decent job with a criminal record. Rather let the professionals help you sell yourself truthfully.





Do you want to see an improvement in individual and/or organisational financial performance?

Would your organisation’s employees benefit from financial skills training?

Are your staff in desperate need of a practical understanding of VAT, Bookkeeping and Financial Business Requirements?

Is your staff unable to be out of the office at the same time?



Biz Facility (Pty) Ltd, established in 2010, provides a wide range of In-house training courses to public and private sector organisations on a range of different financial topics.

Our in-house training sessions are delivered at the client’s premises or alternative venue as arranged by your business.

All our in-house training sessions can be tailored to suit the needs of your business.

In-House Training is cost-effective for your business with no venue costs.

All staff benefit from personal engagement with the facilitator.




VAT Basic Workshop

  • Registration – How do I register for VAT?
  • VAT categories – Which category do I fall under?
  • how do I fill in a VAT return
  • Input VAT – what I can claim and what I can’t claim
  • Output VAT – what am I supposed to charge
  • Invoices (What are my invoices supposed to look like?)
  • E-Invoices (Electronic Documents)
  • Head Office and Branch transactions
  • Adjustments and Corrections
  • Bad Debts

Basic Business Bookkeeping

  • Why do we need bookkeeping?
  • Basic Bookkeeping and Accounting Terminology
  • Double Entry System / Principle
  • Books of First Entry – Subsidiary Books
  • Accounting Cycle
  • Chart of Accounts (COA)
  • Trial Balance
  • Balance Sheet
  • Income Statement
  • Source Documents
  • Accruals and Provisions
  • SETA – How to register under the applicible SETA and what are the benefits
  • ETI Rebate from SARS – To qualify
  • PAYE, UIF & SDL – Relevant deductions from staff salaries and submissions to SARS. (EMP201 Submissions)
  • IRP5’s and IT3’s – Issuing of IRP5’s and IT3’s and when required (EMP501)

Financial Administration

  • Department of Labour – When and How to register and for what
  • UI-19 – What this form is for and what to do with it
  • Staff Files – Relevant documents needed to keep in a staff file
  • Staff Payslips – When to supply an employee with a payslip and what information is needed to include
  • Staff Leave – How staff leave works and how to calculate unpaid leave
  • Leave – How annual leave works and how to calculate to pay out
  • Personal Income Tax – The company’s responsibility in terms of staff personal income tax as well as informing staff of their responsibility to submit their own income tax
  • Workmen’s Compensation – When to register for Workmen’s compensation, and how it works.

Basic Financial Statements

  • Introduction and definitions
  • Statement of financial position
  • Income statement
  • Cash flow statement
  • Introduction to common financial ratios

Advanced Financial Statements

  • Introduction and definitions
  • Statement of financial position
  • Non-current assets
  • Inventory
  • Receivables & payables
  • Taxation
  • Equity & debt
  • Income statement
  • Cash flow statement
  • How to read financial statements
  • The Two-Step Tango model

Debt Collection Management

  • The importance of Working Capital & Cashflow – When is a Sale really a paid Sale?
  • The importance of Risk Assessment – How to choose clients
  • The implementation of a Credit Policy – How to treat clients
  • Communication styles to be used with Customers – How to communicate with clients
  • Letters of Demand & Repayment plans – How should clients respond
  • How to Measure the effectiveness of your Debt Collection – Are all possible steps being implemented to collect outstanding monies due to your business?

In-House Training options available for all financial staff of businesses, companies, NGOs, government departments and legal entities.

For further information or to arrange an in-house training session for your staff please contact Ruzel on our below office number or email

Biz Facility – Accounting & Tax Training Specialists

Providing easy to understand and comprehensive Accounting and
Taxation training solutions to benefit you or your staff!

Incorporated with the FINSOLVE GROUP

Office: 021 300 1230

Accounting and Finance Show

APRIL SPECIALS Order your Training CDs Now!

APRIL SPECIAL – 30% DISCOUNT – R 595.00 Per Video Course


Basic Bookkeeping CD Course

The Basic Bookkeeping to Trial Balance Video CD Disc Course, will help you understand how your books of account are constructed from source entry to trial balance,

This Video is designed for entrepreneurs, financial and bookkeeping staff who wish to gain a basic understanding of how the books of account are designed and integrate into business, leading ultimately into the Financial Statements.

VAT Administration CD Course

The VAT Administration Process Video CD Disc is designed for individuals, staff and financial management that are required to calculate and submit VAT returns for a business, and have no or very little understanding/knowledge of how VAT really works.

Financial Statements CD Course

This comprehensive Financial Statements Video CD Disc is designed to show the entrepreneur, managers, professionals, bookkeepers and other uses of financial statements, how to read and use key data from the financial statements, to understand profitability and cash flow of a business.

Business Valuation CD Course

The Business Valuation Video CD Disc will provide insight into how to value a business, as well as a proprietary valuation workbook, that step by step, will explain the theory, and also in a practical way, assist you in calculating the value of your business!

Trusts, Wills & Estate Planning CD Course

The Trusts, Wills & Estate Planning Video CD Disc is designed to cater for the needs of any person who has an estate of fixed property and various assets, and needs proper understanding, planning and structure in estate planning, as well as a full understanding of Trusts and Wills.


Financial Administration
Financial Statements Ration Analysis
Compromise & Deferment of Arrear Taxes
Manage Cash Flow & Profit
VAT Input Tax Credits
Company Registration, Changes & CIPC Procedure
Imports into South Africa

ORDER 2 courses –
receive the 3rd course FREE!


Access log in codes provided
Delivery cost included on all CD courses
CPD points certificate issued on completion of course

To ORDER please click here

ICBA / SAAA package 2019

Normal price: R 300.00 / monthly
ICBA member discount R 200.00 / monthly
Core Events Month Provider CPD Hours
How to register a business February SAAA * 3 Hours
How to grow a bookkeeping practice March SAAA * 3 Hours
VAT for bookkeepers April Tax Faculty  2 Hours
Payroll for bookkeepers June SAAA * 3 Hours
Co Law amendments for bookkeepers August SAAA * 3 Hours
Personal and Business Income Tax for bookkeepers November Tax Faculty  2 Hours

* Get an additional hour for passing an assessment on the topic.

For more info:

Accounting and Finance Show

ICBA in Association with Terrapin is proud to present;



6-7 May 2019

Sandton Convention Centre

Click here to register.

Business Valuation Video Discount Special

Product Details

This Video Course provides insight into how to value a business, as well as a proprietary valuation workbook, that step by step, will explain the theory, and also in a practical way, assist you in calculating the value of your business.

The Video Course will teach you to explore in a non-jargon way, how to value a business, whether you are looking to purchase the business, place a value on your business for the shareholder agreement, or simply to understand what your own business is worth.

The objectives of this video course are:

  • Why valuation?
  • Understanding the drivers of business value
  • Understanding how to use Free Cash Flows
  • 3 valuation methods to arrive at Equity Value
  • How to go about valuing a business
  • Validating Equity Value using multiples

VAT, Accounting & Bookkeeping Self-study Courses to do in your own time

Accounting, VAT, Bookkeeping & Financial
Training Courses – STUDY in your OWN TIME
Available as Online Courses & Select Courses on CD Disc

Basic Bookkeeping CD Course

The Basic Bookkeeping to Trial Balance Video CD Disc Course, will help you understand how your books of account are constructed from source entry to trial balance,

This Video is designed for entrepreneurs, financial and bookkeeping staff who wish to gain a basic understanding of how the books of account are designed and integrate into business, leading ultimately into the Financial Statements.

VAT Administration CD Course

The VAT Administration Process Video CD Disc is designed for individuals, staff and financial management that are required to calculate and submit VAT returns for a business, and have no or very little understanding/knowledge of how VAT really works.

Financial Statements CD Course

This comprehensive Financial Statements Video CD Disc is designed to show the entrepreneur, managers, professionals, bookkeepers and other uses of financial statements, how to read and use key data from the financial statements, to understand profitability and cash flow of a business.

Business Valuation CD Course

The Business Valuation Video CD Disc will provide insight into how to value a business, as well as a proprietary valuation workbook, that step by step, will explain the theory, and also in a practical way, assist you in calculating the value of your business!

Trusts, Wills & Estate Planning CD Course

The Trusts, Wills & Estate Planning Video CD Disc is designed to cater for the needs of any person who has an estate of fixed property and various assets, and needs proper understanding, planning and structure in estate planning, as well as a full understanding of Trusts and Wills.


Financial Administration
Financial Statements Ration Analysis
Compromise & Deferment of Arrear Taxes
Manage Cash Flow & Profit
VAT Input Tax Credits
Company Registration, Changes & CIPC Procedure
Imports into South Africa

ORDER 2 courses –
receive the 3rd course FREE!


Access log in codes provided
Delivery cost included on all CD courses
CPD points certificate issued on completion of course

To ORDER please click here