ACCA Special for ICBA Members and ICB Students

Great news for any ICB or ICBA learner who has successfully completed an ICB NQF6 of the Financial Accounting stream. You’re eligible for a discount towards an ACCA Qualification.


Who is eligible?

Any ICB or ICBA learner who has successfully completed an ICB NQF6 of the Financial Accounting stream.


What is the offer?

Each learner can obtain a maximum of 6 exemptions for subjects registered with ACCA

Registration £40
Exemption £30 per exemption


Who is ACCA?

ACCA is the world’s largest leading body for professional accountants, with over 110 years of experience, innovation and excellence. ICB graduates holding the National Diploma: Financial Accounting NQF 6 qualification can study further through ACCA. You will receive up to 6 exemptions to further your studies towards becoming a Chartered Certified Accountant with ACCA.  See


ACCA is an international body which give you and international accreditation due to the fact that ACCA recognises ICB’s qualification.


Offer Valid from 1 July 2019 to 31 March 2020

All applications to be completed here –

Please insert the code IB7 when you get to the Registration code section

HR Manager’s Column – Episode 2: Interview preparation

Insider tips from our Head of HR and Training

If a company has requested an interview with you, congratulations! This means that they have seen something in your CV that they like and would like to know more about you. But this is also an opportunity for you to get to know the company!

Preparing for interviews is very important and something that the company will be impressed by, this is something that can set you apart from other candidates. Get a notebook ready to take some notes on the following, and take the notebook with you to the interview! You can refer to the notes you have made during your discussion which will show the company you are well prepared.

Firstly, do your homework on the company:

  • Ensure you have a good understanding of their business: the goods and services they offer (have a look at their website, Facebook and other social media pages and make some notes for yourself)

Secondly, make sure you have a good understanding of the position you are applying for:

  • Ask for a copy of the job description before the interview if possible
  • Go through the job description (or google a job description of a similar position if not available) and make some notes on the duties: if it involves customer service, why would you be good at fulfilling the function? What prior knowledge or skill would help you in the role? It is important to think of this before the interview as you will be more prepared to answer questions relating to why you have the potential for the position.

Thirdly, make sure you prepare some questions to ask your interviewer:

  • This helps to show you are well prepared but also will help you get more information about the company and position.
  • Try to stay away from questions relating to terms and conditions of employment, i.e. salary or working hours, the company will bring this up when the time comes.
  • Have a look at this link for some great questions to ask your interviewer:

Lastly, you need to be prepared to answer a few questions, here are some examples of questions I typically ask candidates:

  • Tell me a bit about yourself?
  • What do you know about our company and why do you want to work here?
  • What do you know about the position and why do you think you have the potential for the position?
  • Tell me about your previous positions and the experience you have gained?

I can go on and on but you get the idea, if you would like to prepare some more questions you can also google some examples, here is a link for more info: