ACCSYS online short courses: Payroll Basics – 2014/15

Earn 67 CPD points by completing this online course covering: 

  • Introduction to payroll covering business administration.
  • Communication (written, verbal and oral).
  • Basic tax.
  • SDL
  • UIF
  • Team ethics with focus on payroll legislation.

Enrollment dates

  • 6 October 2014
  • 2 February 2015
  • 1 June 2015


  • +/- 50 Hours


  • R5,450 (excl. VAT)

For more information email



Betty Bookkeeper gives advice on calculating PAYE deductions when contributing to a retirement fund – August 2014

Hi Betty 

I’m busy studying Income Tax Returns. In my mock exam’s Question 4, it shows that Daniella contributes to an Independent Retirement Fund. But it doesn’t show that you include it when doing Part A.

Should you not include it to get a tax deduction? I know that you can if it’s towards a company’s RA.



Hi Linda

Because the question states that her employer does not take her RA contributions into account when calculating her PAYE, this should not be included in the PAYE calculation.

The employer is not obligated to include this, unless the employee has provided proof of the contributions – in this case we are assuming she has not. Daniella will therefore only claim the deduction when she submits her annual return.

Hope that helps!


Don’t forget that I’m here to answer your questions about the ICBA, or just queries about your accounting at work. All you have to do is email me!


The ICBA Logo Usage Policy

Being a member of a professional body like the ICBA shows that you take your career seriously. It reassures employers and clients that you are committed to your professional development.

If your qualifications and work experience meet the ICBA’s membership criteria, you will be certified as an ICBA member at a specific level. Student members do not get a designation, but all qualified members will be able to place internationally-recognised letters after their names, for as long as their membership is current.

The ICBA logo may be used for members to confidently display their professional recognition and to verify that they keep up with the industry. This logo is available to all ICBA designated members, i.e. qualified members in good standing only. Usage of the logo is at the discretion of the ICBA and members need to confirm permission to use the logo.

For more detailed information, please download the ICBA Logo Usage Policy.

IMPORTANT: ICBA members must collect and record CPD points

ICBA members must collect and record Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points. If this is not done, you may not be allowed to renew your membership in the new calendar year.

ICBA Student Members do not have to complete CPD. Only those that are designated have to complete it.

For more information, please download the CPD Policy over here.

SAIT half-day seminars: VAT on short-term insurance – 16 Sep 2014


KPMG will be hosting this seminar to help you better understand the VAT treatment to be followed in the short-term insurance industry.

Following Binding General Ruling 14 (which took effect 1 April 2014), the focus of the seminar will include:

  • the changes brought about by BGR 14,
  • the timing of input and output tax on premiums and commission,
  • value of sums insured,
  • input tax claims and deductions in respect of claims,
  • VAT on bonuses,
  • recoveries,
  • excess payments,
  • insurance to non-residents,
  • documentary requirements to apply zero rate and/or to claim input tax,
  • and various other topical aspects and recent developments.

Course content

Topics that will be covered include:

  • The ambit of VAT on short-term insurance.
  • Input tax claims by insurer vs section 8(8) liability of the insured and documentation.
  • Agent vs principal.
  • Premiums, commissions, fees, no-claim bonuses.
  • Inward and outward reinsurance.
  • Trade payments vs claims payments and claims costs.
  • Recoveries including reinsurance, 3rd party and salvage.
  • VAT treatment of excesses, self-insurance, inner excess and documentation (BGR 14).
  • Value of sums insured.
  • Group insurance including policy wording and documentation.
  • Co-insurance
  • Most recent developments.

Who should attend?

  • Underwriters
  • Claims handlers
  • Loss adjusters
  • Reinsurers
  • Brokers
  • And other intermediaries

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

This event and successful completion of the online assessment will secure 4 hours verifiable output CPD points/units.


  • R1,700 (incl. VAT)

When and where

  • 16 September 2014
  • From 08h30 to 12h30 (registration from 08h00)
  • KPMG Crescent Auditorium, 85 Empire Road, Parktown, Gauteng, South Africa

For more information, please email Ingrid Erwee.

Register for this seminar.


SAIT half-day seminars: SARS Audits (VAT and other tax risks) – Aug/Sep 2014


In this seminar, many of the areas most commonly audited will be addressed, as well as the documentary requirements for vendors. The increased reconciliation required in terms of the new IT14SD form, and the relevant implications of the Tax Administration Act will also be discussed.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

This event and successful completion of the online assessment will secure 4.5 hours verifiable output Tax CPD points/units.


These events are free for SAIT monthly CPD subscribers.

Option 1 – Seminar

  • Members: R850.00
  • Affiliated members: R950.00
  • Non-members: R990.00

Register for the seminar.

Option 2 – Live webinar broadcast 

This CPD event will be broadcasted live on Tuesday 2 September 2014, from 09h00 to 13h30.

  • Members: R290.00
  • Affiliated members: R300.00
  • Non-members: R350.00

Register for the webinar.

When and where